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You searched for: body art

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man regrets his tattoo of a frightened mouse on his ankle when his cat starts chasing it.
  • A man with "Gwen" tattooed all over his body flips a coin with his girlfriend to see if he should remove the tattoos or she should change her name.
  • The nose piercing fad began when a piercer accidentally missed someone's ear.
  • Charlie Brown gets his sweater's stripe tattooed on his body so he can't ever lose his shirt.
  • Sneezes can travel up to 100 miles per hour, so people should secure their nose studs.
  • A snake gets a tattoo to show his girlfriend how much he loves her, but he's shed the skin with tattoos of previous girlfriends.
  • A piercer tells his receptionist to hold his calls because he has to pierce an anteater's tongue.
  • A man wakes up with a hangover and worries he got his tongue pierced and his elbow tattooed, but in fact he switched them.
  • Godzilla gets a stud in his nose when he eats a gym.
  • A man has many girl's names tattooed and crossed out on his arm.
  • A frog gets his tongue pierced, but it gets caught on a branch.
  • The Michelin Man dies after trying to get a belly button piercing.

You searched for: body art