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Dogs watch canine mime act stuck in imaginary kennel street performance entertainment.
Comfortable musician tucked in bed blankets onstage performs song covers to listening audience.
Single drum tells guitar date no one wants it solo so decided to start dating again.
Scared dogs in cinema theater watch terrified movie canine hide from killer bath tub trying to bathe it.
Foo Fighters spoof angry fluffy cats musicians snarl onstage in aggressive hardcore musical performance.
Scared lettuces cinema audience watches rabbit vegetable murderer horror movie.
Punk rock musician woodchuck performs onstage concert for Groundhog Day fans audience crowd.
Disgusted man watching television indifferent to gruesome gore violence is horrified actor chews food with mouth open.
Scared pop corn kernel movie cinema audience watches girl stringing popcorn garland Christmas decorations torture on screen.
Thanksgiving leftovers and next course dessert pies bands perform onstage for cheering concert fans.
Scared stomaches audience watch tortured full belly Thanksgiving food overeating horror film.
Canines cinema audience enjoys film of King Midas’s paw transforming dog into gross smelly garbage.