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Canine teacher teaches dogs science class students edible & inedible periodic table elements.
Praying mantis says female with small head date is still on her diet.
Dad and kid at carnival enjoy fair vendors’ tasty twisted sausage & balloon animals.
Belching garden pest predator lady bug apologizes for aphid reflux stomach upset.Belching garden pest predator lady bug apologizes for aphid reflux stomach upset.Belching garden pest predator lady bug apologizes for aphid reflux stomach upset.
Kitty waitstaff knocks plates and utensils on floor as diner says restaurant clears table quickly.
Dogs meeting in park both mistake owner saying Stop it You’ve Already Eaten for names.
Intermittent storm cloud with pouring rain patches aimed on purpose says it likes to hit cookouts.
Three head male praying mantis at bar flirting with female insect evolved to mate more than once.
Kitties wearing teenager hoodie sweatshirt & pants costume’s fresh hamster order surprises pet store owner.
Songbird tells bird with blooming daisy flower fart bum with all seeds it eats was just a matter of time.
Underpaid dog cheated by owner’s half biscuit reward disappointed it earns less than minimum wage.
Australian predator crocodile couple with marsupial pocket sandwiches both like pita koalas.