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You searched for: robot

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Old Christmas trees get recycled into car air fresheners.
  • A robot cat is too realistic when it doesn't do anything it's supposed to.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • R2D2's cousin Y2K2 has a long hangover after New Year's 2000.
  • When the Millenium Falcon's odometer hits 2000, it crashes.
  • R2D2 gets caught making out with a trash can.
  • A female robot wishes they'd make more female robots so male robots would leave her alone.
  • Luke Skywalker's dark socks turn his laundry gray.
  • R2D2 has a nightmare of being smelled by lots of dogs.
  • A man named Brillo starts a steel wool farm with robot sheep.
  • Robot tells waitress she doesn't want anymore coffee because she is already wired.

You searched for: robot