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You searched for: relative

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Relative sees brother-in-law sold in tool department and say this proves he's a tool.
  • Baby's playpen disclaimer averts the responsibility for damaged or stolen property.
  • Internet website provides genealogy services to find relatives and block relatives from finding you.
  • The Tin Man's dog is a direct descendant of Rin Tin Tin
  • A dentist is out of laughing gas, so he uses a stand-up comedian.
  • Pig-Pen meets his distant cousin, Cat-Condo.
  • A man uses virtual Thanksgiving on the computer.
  • R2D2's cousin Y2K2 has a long hangover after New Year's 2000.
  • A woman's uncle overstays his welcome on Thanksgiving.
  • The Green Giant's doctor prescribes an herbal remedy to cure his cough: eating a piece of his uncle.
  • The Potatohead family eats their relatives for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • In the scarier version of Star Wars, Darth Vader reveals that he's actually Luke Skywalker's mom.

You searched for: relative