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Turtle parent tells kid in glowing turtleshell to shut off smartphone for bed time.
Excited opossum babies on back cheer for mother’s fun roller coaster hill ride.
Cat audience applauds hibernating bears doing nothing for months at a time presentation.
Autocorrected St. Patrick’s Day texts change shamrock to shame rock, green beer recycling bear, chocolate pot not of gold & St. party trick card tricks saint.
Birds say rope pulled from embarrassed man’s fallen sweat pants perfect string to finish nest.
Gambling birds play birdseed feeder slot machines winning seed food jackpots.
Humor head shark wears Groucho nose glasses & fake arrow comedian costume.
Bats family mom scolds ear rolling child complaining at bed time.
Kitty whiskers scanner pet door technology scans pets indoor security clearance.
Wild bighorn sheep ram stops males’ head butting competition, says not into big butts.
Flirty lady bear at bar jokes forest fire Smokey the Bear named for sexy deep voice pick up line.
Both underwater scuba diver people and threatened shark predators warn each other they are killing machine species.