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Pez dispenser dad catches making out teens with mouthfuls of candies and asks if they’ve been necking.
Russian nesting doll tells other babushka doll anxious daughter outside has claustrophobia.
Different father animals tell corny and cheesy dad jokes to their young children & babies.
Scared matryoshka dolls jump out when Nurse with vaccination syringe says will feel pinch.
Russian nesting doll compliments doll’s lost weight and she answers her kids moved out.
Man gets scribble drawing face tattoo at take your child to work day special tattoo parlor.
Cop pulls over Russian nesting doll driver in car for driving in a high occupancy lane.
Mother with very small infant in stroller thanks woman for agreeing to babysit child as she’s a handful.
Overreacting father pours sports drink on wet embarrassed daughter at violin recital in over the top celebration.
Infant refuses bottle feeding dad, prefers mother’s locally sourced breasts milk.
Shopping bags refuse to let grounded daughter date sleazy brown bag at door.
Turkeys eating human Thanksgiving dinner give thanks for alternate universe reality.