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You searched for: bald

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  • A man going through his life thinks his hair is imitating a dandelion.
  • A man uses a comb over to conceal his receding gum line.
  • A man is wearing a wig that looks like his rug.
  • Donald Trump has a team of hair architects to keep his hair perfect.
  • Scarecrow uses a rake over.
  • The Scarecrow uses Rograin on his head to re-grow some straw.
  • A man's hair weave fools his date as much as Raggedy Ann's does.
  • A turkey tries to lie its way out of being killed.
  • Pinocchio's girlfriend lifts his hat to see if he's bald.
  • The Justice Department suspects Microsoft of taking kickbacks from The Hair Club.
  • Birds' nests are celebrities' bad wigs.
  • Don King starts losing his hair and attempts a combover.

You searched for: bald