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You searched for: dating

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Vampires likes to pick up women after they leave from massage therapy.
  • The Sandman flirts with the Tooth Fairy.
  • A single guy and a baseball player are both left in scoring position.
  • A man is wearing a wig that looks like his rug.
  • A man actually talks to a woman's hand.
  • A female star finds her husbands book with names of other female stars in it.
  • Cupid sees a psychiatrist because he keeps missing his targets, supermodels.
  • A matchmaker is hired to find a woman's perfect mate, and picks himself.
  • The Blue Man Group meets the Pink Woman Group.
  • Bendy straws are yoga instructors since they are flexible.
  • Virtual beer has the same effects as real beer.
  • Darth Vader puts an air filter in his mask before a date.

You searched for: dating