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You searched for: work

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  • Salespeople are supposed to ask their clients about themselves, so a man asks if his client has always been fat and dumpy.
  • A woman tells her husband to put his best foot forward at a job interview, but one of his feet is rotten and disgusting.
  • A man is tired after painting the door sign for The Department of People Who Have a Certain Degree of Difficulty Putting Their Thoughts Into Brief, Concise, and Unrambling Language.
  • Mr. Clean's house is a huge mess on his day off.
  • Oscar the grouch, Barney, Sylvester and Eeyore pick unsuitable jobs that end their careers.
  • Marie Antoinette tries to become a dietician, but she lets her clients eat cake.
  • A woman tapes her fortune cookies' endorsements to her resume for a job application.
  • A tattoo artist applies to a tattoo parlor with a resume tattooed on his chest.
  • A chair applies to a job, but the only jobs available are for desks.
  • A man feels self-conscious because a hospital's supply of eyes falls on him.
  • A man throws his computer out the window.
  • Sandpiper Toilet Paper fires their proofreader after he allows them to make labels that say Sandpaper Toilet Paper.

You searched for: work