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You searched for: bird

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  • A cat says swallows got their name because you can eat them.
  • A bird's egg falls into a pitching machine and hits a tennis player.
  • A cat eats at a restaurant with early bird specials.
  • A bird offers to take a baby bird under its wing, but the baby wants it to wear deodorant.
  • A cave man invents the wheel and a pterodactyl wants to poop on it like modern birds poop on cars.
  • Birds make fun of Gene Roddenberry and poop on his car.
  • A cat makes a grill that looks like a bird bath.
  • A man who runs a car wash pays birds to poop on people's cars so he gets more business.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy's wife murders him and feeds his remains to birds.
  • A bird eats so many fireflies that he explodes into fireworks.
  • A bird hatches from an egg just as several cats climb up near her nest.
  • Birds' nests are celebrities' bad wigs.

You searched for: bird