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You searched for: bird

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  • Ducks sue a duck-billed platypus for infringing on their genetic patent.
  • Ozzy Osbourne reads "Chicken Heads for the Soul."
  • The characters from Peanuts get real jobs.
  • Big Bird turns the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz into a nest.
  • A turkey surgeon discovers that his patients are all in a plastic baggie.
  • Mark updates Mary Had a Little Lamb, Three Men in a Tub, and Goosey Goosey Gander for the modern age.
  • Birds carbo-load on worms before migrating.
  • Alfred Hitchcock works on Sesame Street and remakes The Birds with Big Bird.
  • The cartoon lists rookie mistakes people make at the beach.
  • Woodstock from Peanuts goes to a computer class and comes out thinking in binary.

  • Flea claims to have been to woodstock the bird but no one believes him.
  • Birds fly south for the winter, but their luggage ends up in the north.

You searched for: bird