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Family see a bear, man smiles and looks friendly so bear will go after others, but bear thinks he is bearing his teeth and decides to eat him.
Two piranhas reminisce about the time a movie critic reached into the tank, and they call it a "definite two thumbs off."
Wife tells husband, Albert, that expandability is a good feature for computers, not husbands, just as he has his mouth open extremely wide to eat an entire piece of cake.
Lewis, copes with being eaten by a snake by going on with his daily life, even though he's still stuck in the snake's belly.
Godzilla tastes huge pot of food that contains Gilligan, Mary-Ann, and others, and says it tastes good, it just needs a little bit of Ginger.
Earthworm sees bird pulling on tail of a worm from a hole in the ground, and he hopes that it isn't him.
Man tells friend that snakes feeling slimy is a myth, not seeing that snake swallowed friend, and friend thinks snakes feel slimy from the inside.
Felicia the cat plans her day, including sleep, trigonometric equations, developing theorems, eating, long division, and sleep, each activity in different positions.
Horse is terrified because the old lady who swallowed a fly and spider is coming, knows song ends with old lady swallowing horse and dying.
Two felines dining out in restaurant, one cat is embarrassed because he laughed and food came out his nose, mouse is hanging out of nose.
Woman tells friend she goes into isolation chamber in her home when she wants to make tuna sandwich because she has house full of cats.
Two cats on date, one cat thinks the other is embarrassing because he ordered white wine with gerbils.