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You searched for: mother

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  • A mom coconut complains that she always has to feed her child even though her husband has just as much milk
  • Piranha is reminded not to chew his food thoroughly.
  • A schoolboy tells his mom he got 110% on his math test.
  • This parrot's protective mother won't let him stand on the swing.
  • Father and daughter play Dreidel and he gambles away all his gelt and salary.
  • Girl has temper tantrum until her mother puts on the Dumbo Movie, hence the original movie on demand.
  • Dominik Hasek blocks all the food his parents try to give him.
  • A mother and the witch from Hansel and Gretel think that children need instructions.
  • Skeleton mom has eye sockets in the back of her skull, as these children find out.
  • Boy plays sudoku puzzle on a man's checkered shirt while waiting in line at the store.
  • Proud parent watch baby playing as entertainment.
  • The hot weather makes a boy change from pants to shorts which are only slightly shorter in length.

You searched for: mother