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You searched for: bird

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A turkey musician accidentally throws his own drumsticks into the audience.
  • A turkey likes a hat, but wants to buy it in a different color because she's uncomfortable dressed in cranberry.
  • A turkey tries to lie its way out of being killed.
  • A cat can't have fun at work because all the bird and bee sites are blocked.
  • A bird can't poop on a car, so he paints it with white paint instead.
  • Cat recycling has three bins: feathers, tiny bones, and beaks.
  • A bird uses a virtual flight simulator.
  • A caveman thinks a meal tastes like the prehistoric ancestor of chicken
  • A cat mom nags her son to empty his pockets before putting his clothes in the laundry because she found a mouse in the washing machine.
  • Stork complains to chiropractor of back pain from delivering mulitple babies due to fertility drugs.
  • A lawyer wants his penguin client to be released because he won't fly away.
  • A bird finds it easier to poop on SUVs because of their big roofs.

You searched for: bird