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You searched for: car

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  • Car salesman at bar is upset, tells friend the girl never loved him, she just wanted good deal on Mercedes, implying that he was used.
  • Couple arguing in car, man tells her she said she could make exit even from middle lane, car now stuck to grill of semi truck.
  • Cans in car visit a can opener country safari, can openers are all over the landscape like wild animals, sign warns to stay in car.
  • Man asks Wilamina to come with him, he'll give her anything her heart desires, Wilamina's heart is excited and picturing itself in a new car.
  • Santa is upset because it is Christmas Eve, and he has a flat, the flat is a deflated reindeer.
  • Person driving car thinks road sign is odd, it's an arrow with missing piece, doesn't see piece out of road in front of him.
  • Husband tells wife about "undo" feature on computer, wishes life had same feature for if something gets broken, cheat on wife, say something stupid.

  • Turtle locks himself out of his shell, he is standing next to shell naked and using wire hanger to try and open shell.

  • Tin cans married and tied behind a bumper wonder what happens next.

  • Assembly plant has difficulty fitting satellite dishes in cars for satellite radio.

  • Giants compare innie and Audie belly buttons

  • Aliens shaped like the handicap symbol think Earthlings are saving them the best parking spaces.

You searched for: car