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You searched for: technology

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dracula laughs about funny bat meme.

  • Alien parents need to discuss probing with teenager.
  • Cats exhibit tech behaviors of push notifications, inbox, outbox, and groupon.

  • Dogs exhibit tech behaviors with Facetime, instant messaging, streaming, and service providers.

  • The original GPS was actually a grumpy pointing spouse giving directions.

  • Cat's behaviors of catching mouse are akin to technology and apps.

  • Dog exhibits tech behaviors, like following, emptying trash, searching, and deleting spam.

  • Man has trouble remembering screennames, but remembers profile pics.

  • Crackle and Pop are jealous wives are spending so much time on Snapchat.
  • Aliens demand to be taken to wifi.
  • Romance was counted by stars in the sky, but now counted by cat videos on the Internet.
  • Social media site asks chameleon if he wants to update his profile pic again with new color.

You searched for: technology