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Traffic helicopter wrecked on Route 93 broadcasts that drivers should find alternate routes because traffic on 93 is backed up more than usual.
Cars driving on interstate with a sign that shows "Food This Exit", not realizing the exit leads straight to dinner table of dinosaur.
Auto salesman tells customer that sports car is latest model and has racing stripes, rear spoiler, fuel injection, and compartment for speeding tickets.
Hal stares out window of a Used Q-Tip store, wondering where he went wrong because other stores offer used cars, used furniture, and used clothes.
Two traffic lights in front of automobile accident, one signal light says to other she doesn't care whose turn it was, red isn't her color.
Hector draws picture for judge in court, showing how he made an R-turn instead of U-turn to get out of traffic violation.
Race car driver, Mario Andretti, is stuck behind student drivers on a highway with no passing for 500 miles.
Detectives question Bernie the battery, asking him if he powered the bank robber's getaway car, but Bernie was never charged.
Electric eel leaves repair shop at bottom of ocean that specializes in replacing shocks, and his electric shocks are much better.
Shortcut Driving School instructor tells student, "Excellent!" when student drives through fence into a yard as a shortcut.
Husband apologizes to wife for coming home late, says he hit every red light on the way, car has several traffic signals stuck to front.
Turtle coming out of a store wonders where he parked because the parking lot is full of turtle shells that all look the same.