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You searched for: bird

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  • A turkey gets collagen injections.
  • A woman doesn't want her cat doing gross things to a bird, while she stuffs a turkey.
  • A parrot doesn't talk, but chats on the internet.
  • Storks are taught to double knot the tot bag during safety training.
  • A cat wants a bird for food, since its both moist and crunchy.
  • A bird uses Southwest Airlines to migrate south.
  • Every time a cat bell rings, a bird gets to keep its wings.
  • A bird reads the story on the Three Little Pigs.
  • A stork goes to a party, and thinks his potato salad might be a letdown.
  • The Bluebird of happiness takes Prozac as a performance enhancing drug.
  • A bird couple wants to see a bird house on the seedier part of town.
  • A bird gets stuck while trying to reach a sunflower seed.

You searched for: bird