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You searched for: child

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Mona Lisa's kid gets into trouble because her mom's eyes follow you.
  • Mr. Potatohead removes his daughter's boyfriend's arms.
  • A kid doesn't want his mom to call him little pumpkin after she carves a pumpkin.
  • A man prints out a coloring book, but his kids draw on the computer instead.
  • Mother with poor grammar wonders why son is failing English.
  • A bullfrog uses his throat to make balloon animals for his kids.
  • Mom alerting Dad that Grandma is spoiling girl is a spoiler alert.
  • Boy's popularity peaked as an infant when dad's posted video went viral.
  • Son thinks garden mower is used to cut garden rather than lawn.
  • Dog likes to eat child's artwork made from macaroni.
  • Mom Potatohead figured out how to get it all done by using extra arms.

You searched for: child