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A mechanic's toddler daughter asks to make an appointment because she's about to have an accident.
Fashions to attract men include bikinis, football costumes, and pizza costumes.
Godzilla eats a rocky road on an ice cream cone.
A tire store sells blown out tires.
People crash testing a car have a crash test bug fly into the windshield.
Godzilla eats a car with double airbags.
Aliens learn what traffic signal lights mean on Earth - green for proceed and red for stop and put your finger in your nose.
Angry driver demands police officer who is giving a traffic violation ticket tell him where the stop sign is that he ran, failing to notice it stuck to his car.
Man yells at cabbie that he drove by his stop, and cab has a sign that says, "Joe's Taxi - We Go That Extra Mile."
Long and winding roadkill is long snake with his body curved and a tire tread mark running over him.
Wife asks husband why he ordered the biggest burger if he's not very hungry, and menu offers baby, girly, wimp, wussy, and humongous burgers.
Wife gives husband birthday gift of dent puller, touch-up paint, and auto body gift certificate, he asks if there's something she needs to tell him.