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You searched for: baby

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A lizard tells her husband that she wants to have kids while they're still young enough to eat them.
  • A doctor can't find Houdini in his mother's womb.
  • An alien reads a trashy newspaper that writes about humans the way human tabloids write about aliens.
  • Nude Descending Staircase artist Duchamp’s baby drawing of father’s trip falling down stairs isn’t appreciated.
  • A baby speaks in pig Latin because he's scared the room is bugged with a baby monitor.
  • A mom slinky is proud because her kid went down the stairs by himself.
  • A praying mantis baby gets scared because his mom is going to eat him.
  • A snake kid helps his mom make dinner by helping her strangle a man.
  • A lazy cat dad puts a sign for free kittens out in his yard.
  • A woman accidentally gives her husband milk and her baby coffee, making her baby bounce off the walls with energy.
  • A baseball dad tells his kid it's time for a change-up when he smells his diaper.
  • A man asks his kid if he saw his mom kissing Santa Claus after his wife gives birth to a baby with a white beard.

You searched for: baby