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You searched for: television

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A dad can't remember his daughter's favorite teletubby, so he buys a swiss army teletubby.
  • Alfred Hitchcock works on Sesame Street and remakes The Birds with Big Bird.
  • The least celebrated Teletubby is Plungie Wungie, who has a plunger on his head.
  • A cat goes on a talk show to talk about living in a fish bowl.
  • Scooby Doo and Astro debate on television.
  • Alvin the Chipmunk tells a talk show host that he started out as a gopher.
  • A fly watches hundreds of TV shows at once with its composite eyes.
  • Apples watch The William Tell Story because it's targeted at their demographic.
  • The anatomy of the brain of a new parent.
  • A bee sermon called "Recognizing the Face of Evil" is about Winnie the Pooh.
  • The cartoon shows alternate uses for Teletubbies.
  • Worms investigate a crime scene of an apple core.

You searched for: television