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You searched for: legal

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  • A dog's lawyer delivers a contract his owner needs to sign so he will play fetch.
  • A lawyer interrogates the monkey from Pop Goes the Weasel.
  • A headless man tries to get insurance, but his detached head is a preexisting condition.
  • A judge refuses to excuse indecent exposure because a lawyer's client is from the show me state.
  • Meek inherit the earth but then the bold hire lawyers who tie up ownership in court cases.
  • A lawyer defends his client by claiming he had to murder his wife because she was a morning person.
  • Lucy from Peanuts is arrested for practicing psychiatry without a license.
  • A lawyer accuses Gumby of killing Pokey.
  • A possum calls the police to take away her dead husband, but she's not sure she should have because he might be playing dead.
  • Fish reports on murder scene being invested by police. Suspect is Mrs. Paul.
  • A juror has to be excused in the trial of Schweppes v. Canada Dry after he burps loudly.
  • Wile E. Coyote launches an attack on Acme Devices.

You searched for: legal