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You searched for: kids'

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A kid gives the monster under his bed a smartphone so he will be safe.
  • A girl texts during dinner, so her dad texts her to stop.
  • A lamppost dad tells his son that his mom worked a street corner when he met her.
  • A rabbit is wearing an Ask Me About My Grandkids shirt, but if anyone asks her she'll never shut up.
  • A snake is sad because she was going to eat eggs but the nest was empty.
  • A screw has the se talk with his son.
  • A little girl putting clothes on her doll is dressing her cat with her eyes.
  • Rabbits go to couples therapy because one of them wants 96 children and the other wants 238.
  • A piggy bank pulls a quarter from another piggy bank's ear.
  • A woman reads The Giving Tree to her son and has nightmares about him harvesting her organs.
  • A girl doesn't bring her photo ID to Santa, so he takes her off the Nice list.
  • Man can say grace, but doesn't have any as he knocks over turkey.

You searched for: kids'