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A man dies and has bad hair in his open casket.
A man says he doesn't believe in fate, but a clock is about to fall on him.
The Wicked Witch of the West kills herself with a squirt gun.
The Pillsbury Doughboy dies, and the medical examiner classifies him as a John Dough.
A happy reaper kills people with a smile.
Two mice exchange Christmas gifts, which are both mousetraps for pest removal, and the husband encourages his wife to open her gift first.
Zoo worker tells woman her husband was eaten by alligators, and she reacts with shock, but pleased because she will look good dressed in black.
Shoe store employee wonders if a bug died from a heart attack, the giant shoe hanging from the sign.
Fish surgeon doctor wants to save the patient in hospital, but doesn't want to be wasteful, so he tells colleague to go get tartar sauce, just in case.
Long and winding roadkill is long snake with his body curved and a tire tread mark running over him.
Grim Reaper applies for job at Fred's Funeral Parlor, and man tells him that he is over-qualified.
One fowl says since Gregory was cremated, he feels like he is with him - and there is a can of cream of chicken on the mantel.