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You searched for: technology

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  • Snakes hair Medusa on laptop excludes snake in unfair social media selfie photo.
  • E-commerce website for people with speech impediments.
  • Influential Political Commentor is a Myth
  • Humpty Dumpty egg on smartphone sees time change fall back hour notification but moved to Arizona.
  • Loch Ness monster is easily seen when using electronic device.
  • Web comments section is the scariest costume.
  • The Headless Horseman has lousy Emoji Options.
  • Werewolf has to buy replacement clothing often.
  • Witch is accused of Crimes against Children.
  • Dracula posts a picture of the neck he's going to bite on social media.
  • Jason uses GPS for his favorite Locations.

  • Dracula's Image is not captured in his Profile Picture.

You searched for: technology