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You searched for: safety

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man uses The Club to secure things other than a car.
  • A tiger is chasing a man and he has to decide if it's enough of an emergency to use the emergency exit.
  • A man forgets to deactivate the kill switch in his car, so it tries to stab him.
  • A super sensitive smoke detector gets sad when a man leaves the room.
  • A man who works at a machete, razor blade, and notepaper factory gets a paper cut.
  • A new pilot crashes her plane into a spice factory, becoming a seasoned pilot.
  • A construction worker puts a grate in sideways, causing a bicyclist to crash.
  • Fish hold fishermen's beers hostage until the fishermen release their peers.
  • Lifesavers take an ant's life.
  • Rabbits tell a suicidal rabbit at the top of a building to hop.
  • Wile E. Coyote gets low risk health insurance.
  • A blimp tries to make an emergency landing, but everything is too spiky.

You searched for: safety