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You searched for: halloween

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  • Kids put shaving cream all over ZZ Top's house.
  • Peaches both go as cobblers for Halloween.
  • Frank Zappa's daughter comes out of an all-you-can-eat restaurant, triggering a werewolf to change because she's a 'full Moon.'
  • Godzillas go bobbing for men named Bob on Halloween.
  • Beanie Babies go to a horror movie about a beanbag chair.
  • A vampire tells a bartender he'd like to drink directly from a long-neck.
  • A series of mugshots of parents who did unacceptable things to their toddlers.
  • Lazy twins dress as each other on Halloween.
  • A vampire orders Bloody Marys at a bar.
  • Kitten trick-or-treaters hear that a house down the street is giving out full-grown mice.
  • A man in a fly costume gets eaten by a Venus flytrap at a party.
  • Humpty Dumpty goes to therapy because he wants to throw himself at cars on Halloween.

You searched for: halloween