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You searched for: baby

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  • The baby new year is worried what happens in a single year to turn him into the elderly old year.
  • A bird's egg falls into a pitching machine and hits a tennis player.
  • A bird offers to take a baby bird under its wing, but the baby wants it to wear deodorant.
  • Baby seals can't play baseball because they're scared of being clubbed.
  • A woman keeps having false labor that interrupts her during dinner and showers because her unborn child is going to grow up to be a telemarketer.
  • A mom's three-year-old is so independent that she drives the car for her.
  • The inside workings of a toddler's brain.
  • Tigger's mother dislikes being pregnant with him because he bounces around so much.
  • Mayfly moms talk about how a baby mayfly is going through the Terrible Two Minutes.
  • Gumby's mom shows him a picture of him as a stretched-out newborn.
  • Batman kicked and punched his mom's womb while he was a fetus.
  • A baseball player names his triplets Carl, Nick, and Baby to Be Named Later.

You searched for: baby