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You searched for: alcohol

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  • A giant lizard monster crushes beer trucks on his forehead, just like he did in college.
  • A pig maintains his potbelly by drinking lots of beer.
  • Everyone runs away from a man who's been sucking in his belly for 45 minutes because it's about to explode.
  • Piranhas plan to catch an explorer by yelling that there is free beer.
  • A leech sucks on Robert Leach and thinks he tastes like champagne and caviar.
  • A rabbit at a bar asks for more Hop Scotch, but the bartender says he's too drunk.
  • A man accidentally knocks 99 bottles of beer off a wall.
  • A straw at a bar tells an embellished version of the story of how it broke a camel's back.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy comes home late and his wife is waiting for him with a rolling pin.
  • A woman gets mad at her date, but it was the wine bottle that said something insulting.
  • A liquor store sells wine and ghosts.

You searched for: alcohol