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You searched for: work

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The toothfairy uses the teeth she collects to make joke teeth.
  • Dominic go to court to show the pink slip he got was actually mauve.
  • A person retiring from the joke supply store gets a 21 whoopee cushion salute.
  • A chiropractor had to adjust to seeing the bottom of people's shoes.
  • A man sits on top of his lap bottom computer.
  • Daily meetings increase the growth curve because of donuts.
  • Employees wear a mask of their boss as their Halloween costume.
  • A construction worker's wife has a lot of false labor with their baby.
  • A CIA agent's cat sleeps on the keyboard and writes cryptic emails.
  • Aliens want to be taken to a leader, but the manager isn't a leader.
  • A cartoon of a stupid manager made to go on a cubicle wall.
  • An early rental franchise has ewes hauling stuff.

You searched for: work