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You searched for: daughter

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Mark takes the day off and lets his family come up with cartoon ideas.
  • A dog mom reads her puppy a rhyme about an old dog who lived in a shoe.
  • Alan Greenspan decides to slow down his kids' growth with cigarettes.
  • A mom gets her kids to eat vegetables by putting Pokemon on them.
  • A dad can't remember his daughter's favorite teletubby, so he buys a swiss army teletubby.
  • Mark takes the day off and lets his family come up with cartoon ideas.
  • A praying mantis watches "All My Children" on the food channel.
  • A kid getting in trouble predicts that his mom will remain cool and calm.
  • Mark's daughter draws a cat walking a person for Take Your Child To Work Day.
  • People eat with bent spoons at Uri Geller's table.
  • A girl spins a dreidel for the first time while a twister forms outside her house.
  • A woman thinks someone has toilet papered her house, but it's just her daughter's long Christmas wish list.

You searched for: daughter