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You searched for: worried

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Kitchen funnel teacher’s focusing lesson stressful for struggling strainer pupil but easy for classmate funnels.
  • Injured dog expects ridicule but sympathetic pets in elizabethan collar cones welcome friend home from veterinarian together.
  • Black cat tells stressed lighter colored cat with dark tipped tail it looks drained.
  • Veggies denying child refuses to eat dinner vegetables, tells mother he has asparagus hesitancy.
  • Worried family thinks Thanksgiving thoughts about enough food, washing dishes, political fights & sneaking pie.
  • Therapist cat asks stressed cat patient who slept 48 hours if always been an overachiever.
  • Existentialist roll of tape in counseling asks therapist where to start on endless problems.
  • Man on smartphone tracks daily emotional progress on therapy baby steps pedometer wellness app.
  • Wild leftover pizza animal in office scares employee returning to in-person work.
  • Nurse uses all-natural kitten claws for hospital patient blood test needles.
  • Sad glass patient feels half empty before therapist appointment but has optimistic half full positive outlook after.
  • Therapist cat tells cat patient to shed anxiety after sheds pet hair everywhere.

You searched for: worried