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You searched for: sorry

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Shark's reflex when dentist reaches into mouth is to bite off dentist's fin.
  • A dog gets excited when he hears the word "walk" in boardwalk while playing Monopoly.
  • Dog owner apologizes to Big Bird for dog eating Oscar out of trash can.
  • Dog provides service by helping man attract beautiful women.
  • Teenager bleach bottle is envious of bleach alternative, but warned by mother to stay away.
  • Headless horseman is rejected by Facebook because he doesn't have a face.
  • Mrs. Potato Head brings potato salad made out of her forgetful husband.
  • Knight shocks Rapunzel with static electricity and her hair stands out.
  • Workers stay late to finish playing "Something" on the newly released Beatles Rock Band game.
  • For Father's Day, Mark's family provides all the ideas for comics so he can have the day off.
  • Man drinks a "roughie" instead of a smoothie.
  • Peacock apologizes to Ricky whose large eyes and tail markings show he was startled.

You searched for: sorry