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You searched for: smoking

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • Alan Greenspan decides to slow down his kids' growth with cigarettes.
  • Low ash cat food is made by employees who don't smoke.
  • Lucifer actually got kicked out of heaven for smoking.
  • A pig smoking cigarettes is smoked ham; a pig on the nicotine patch is a cured ham.
  • Nicotine gum happens when Gumby smokes too many cigarettes.
  • A dad notices Mr. Potatohead has switched from smoking a pipe to having a nicotine patch.
  • The cartoon lists things that prove you might be old.
  • Cookie Monster goes on the Cookie Patch to control his addiction.
  • Mark updates nursery rhymes for the modern age.
  • How cartoon characters' careers ended.
  • A dog goes on a patch so he'll stop being addicted to chasing cars.

You searched for: smoking