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You searched for: self esteem

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Psychiatrist's patient doesn't feel centered, and is not centered on the page.
  • Groundhog's shadow tells therapist is sad because everyone is disappointed when he shows up.
  • Grandma thinks that getting eaten by the Wolf was bad, until Red Riding Hood shows up.
  • The cartoon diagrams the anatomy of the teenage brain.

  • A paint can sees a psychiatrist because it wants to be thinner.
  • "Not Me" from Family Circus is always having an identity crisis.
  • Little Miss Muffett crushes the spider that scares her.
  • Dogs visit the canine self-help section.
  • The Sandman feels insignificant when he goes to sprinkle sand in Pig-Pen's eyes.
  • A mouse wife screams and hops up on a chair every time her husband enters the room.
  • Cartoon characters blame their parents for how they turned out because they named them things like Butthead and Daffy.
  • A teapot feels bad for being short and stout, and its therapist has to reassure it by listing short stout celebrities.

You searched for: self esteem