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Nine life saving cats on beach lifeguard stand watch kitty swimmers for water safety emergencies.
Summer autocorrected sunken sand castle, surfing pig surf board, guilt confessing concession stand & balding hair head volleyball.
Attacking swarm of eels surround scared man trapped on desert island in misspelled Ellis Island letter mistake.
Smart desert island castaway says “I’ve got an idea!” & uses cartoon speech bubble floating lifeboat to sail ocean to safety.
Grumpy man at seashore criticizes cold ocean waves in negative reviews.
Autocorrected depressed beach sand dune, sunscreen sun yells, stoned ocean toad & rude bird sea gull gall spelling changes.
Man on beach tells sunbather applying sunscreen to use back of hand, replies must have lot of experience by yourself, man realizes insult.
Bully sun criticizes sunbathing man on beach’s SPF saggy pasty flesh in sun burn insult.
Leafless winter tree sleeping on cold snowy night dreams it is a palm on a sunny tropical island.
Godzilla parent tells monster child not to come into the house until it wipes squished people from the beach off feet.
Even with heads in the sand, ostriches still take selfie.
An island in the desert is a cliché glitch.