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You searched for: sandwiches

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A feline parody on a famous phrase 'a fool and his money are soon parted'.
  • Eat Rite Strips reduce the noise made while eating.
  • A man recognizes a woman who wouldn't date him in that lifetime.
  • A tuna melt's after hearing some sweet talking.
  • A woman who owns too many cats has to make her tuna sandwiches in an isolation chamber.
  • Humpty Dumpty is egg salad in his salad days.
  • Mike Tyson sees everyone's ears as types of food.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • Cats bite a man's face because he ate a tuna sandwich.
  • Husband cat finds that his wife put a poinsettia leaf in his sandwich and thinks she is trying to poison him.
  • Bees sting the inside of a man's mouth when he eats Bumblebee Tuna.
  • A pig begs in front of a roast beef store because he had none.

You searched for: sandwiches