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  • The Easter Bunny forgets about Easter and claims he hid the eggs really well.
  • The groundhog is scared of his shadow because it makes him look fat.
  • A kid gives a long excuse to his creative writing teacher and she gives him an A- on it.
  • Stacy thought rehearsal dinners were meant for pretending to eat.
  • Embarrassed pirate picked nose with hook and needs patch.
  • Cat claims he is performing autopsy on eaten fish he found dead on floor.
  • Dog thinks people claim chocolate is bad for dogs so they don't have to share.
  • Little Debbie suspects Cookie Monster is really interested in her cookies.
  • Papa Bear hires Goldilocks to eat porridge so that he can order pizza.
  • Angry birds get that way from having their wings and drum sticks removed.
  • George Washington's mother puts cherries in all the food so he cuts down cherry tree.
  • Cat puts on presentation to get rid of dog.

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