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You searched for: presidents

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  • Zombies ask for death certificate as proof of zombie candidate's death.
  • Man has odd-shaped office next to the oval office.
  • George Washington's mother puts cherries in all the food so he cuts down cherry tree.
  • Robot wins election due to unreliable electonic voting machines.
  • Devil's political career is ruined by video on Youtube of him cuddling with kitty.
  • Wandering within a dog's furry coat, a flea is polling fellow fleas about the dog's direction.
  • Martha celebrates George Washington's birthday, but the cake candles set his wooden teeth on fire.
  • Pencils in a presidential campaign debate show obvious signs of mistakes by pencil's eraser.
  • Ugly rocks complain that the founding fathers on Mount Rushmore got some work done.
  • Man places a "do not" sign in front of the "vote for Zeeder" political campaign sign.
  • The workers on Mount Rushless are very slow.
  • The coach wants the funds allocated to a new sports building.

You searched for: presidents