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You searched for: photography

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A portrait of a man is an image of him spitting.
  • A woman customizes her checks with pictures of her ex-husband's face when he found out how much money he had to give her in the divorce.
  • A woman brings her famous meatloaf when she visits and paparazzi take pictures of it.
  • The Beatles get run over on Abbey Road.
  • Explorers are about to get attacked by a big cat in the jungle.
  • Mr. Peanut doesn't know what became of his great uncle Sheldon.
  • Beach vacation photos used to have crabs biting a man's foot, but now they have a needle stabbing his toe.
  • A crocodile eats tourists and is worried their camera put ten pounds on him.
  • A surgeon decides he can't allow flash photography in the operating room any more.
  • Two rabbits are having their picture taken and one gives the other bunny ears.
  • A snake refuses to stick his tongue out for a family portrait.
  • Couple is unhappy with photographer who used to be a guillotine operator because their heads are cut off in the picture.

You searched for: photography