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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Computers meet at the menu bar as they all have menus bars on their screens.
  • Cat didn't realize he could be sleeping during walking.
  • Researcher needs expedited shipment of tranquilizer darts as tiger approaches now.
  • X-ray channel on in-flight tv shows x-ray of passenger in front.
  • Cashier offers mom the option of buying teenager a Sullen Meal.
  • Woman tells dinner guests that there are gravy helicopters.
  • Nurse shows patient the easy way and the hard way to have blood drawn.
  • Salesman sells washing machine made for people's clothes that need to be washed separately
  • Angels jealous as new arrival sports jet pack instead of wings.
  • Construction company has contract price option related to volume of radio.
  • Angels sit in heaven watching the alternate endings to their lives.
  • Witch selecting from too many eye of newt options at grocery store.

You searched for: option