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You searched for: night time

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  • Tree gets caught searching for companionship on by wife.
  • Horror film actor, Jason, does romantic comedies to avoid being typecast.
  • When pirate sleeps, parrot remains on shoulder and gets own pillow.
  • Mother's creative writing class makes bedtime uneasy for Dewey dreaming of bedbugs.
  • Office organization inbox complains about never going out of the office like the office outbox.
  • An autumn leaf has a dream about falling out of the tree.
  • A boy's dog costume is too good, and he only gets dog treats.
  • A kid dressed as batman crosses paths with a bat dressed as a kid.
  • Vampire visits Blood, Sweat, and Tears, leaving only Sweat and Tears remaining at the concert.
  • Dr. Frankenstein's assistant, Igor, is now the new surge protector.
  • Trick-or-Treater looks exactly like the homeowner, effectively stealing his identity as his costume.
  • Duck-billed platypus meets werewolf during full moon and begs not to become yet another animal.

You searched for: night time