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You searched for: newspaper

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman wants her classified ad in bold with her phone number in capital letters.
  • A man reading an article called How Strong Are the Borders' doesn't notice other cartoons sneaking into his cartoon.
  • Preparing for Jimmy Buffet and the Parrotheads requires putting newspaper on the floor.
  • During a seance, a spirit is conjured while on the toilet.
  • Cartoon character notices that he's the person in a newspaper cartoon.
  • A couple talk about two different Pirates of the Caribbean; one the movie, the other an illegal CD.
  • A man leaves his dog alone in the house and the dog paints the room because the floor is covered in newspaper.
  • Scaring the page layout artist results in the page being off center.
  • Consumer Police Reports on the silly stuff people do everyday that should be a crime.
  • A Jack-o-lantern thinks Michael Jackson is infringing on its rights.
  • A hotel where all the characters from the Funny Pages stay.
  • Clocks read the comics page, but find all the humor to be timeless.

You searched for: newspaper