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You searched for: musical

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dogs audience says dog concert performer by piano best at tinkling the ivories.
  • Piano woman warns other at bar to watch out for a sleazy player piano man about to hit on them
  • Principal at Charlie Brown’s school tells slide trombone instrument teacher students can’t understand her voice.
  • Song convinces penguin to stay and enjoy the cold weather.
  • Cars will soon have beep tones like phones have ringtones.
  • A musician's hair is windswept because the band's tuba keeps blowing on it.
  • In a horror movie, William Shatner wants to release an opera album.
  • A family tries to afford the house next door by driving down demand.
  • Schubert as student hands unfinished homework and tries to make an excuse with the teacher.
  • Man puts grout in his upstairs neighbor's piano so he can sleep.
  • Two executives from the CD company are in court to try to stop pirating.
  • Sharks just want their twenty-two front teeth for Christmas.

You searched for: musical