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You searched for: museum

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  • Characters from famous paintings go through the Tunnel of Louvre.
  • Landscape artists and portrait artists hold their smartphones in different orientations.
  • A man goes to a Francis Bacon exhibit thinking it was going to be actual bacon.
  • A man draws glasses on paintings because he was supposed to add frames.
  • A boy portrait-bombs da Vinci while he's painting the Mona Lisa.
  • All the king's horses and all the king's men make abstract art out of Humpty Dumpty's remains.
  • Father's baby will say all styles of painting, except dada.
  • All the paintings collected for Occupy Wall are baroque or broke.
  • At museum, kittens learn that there is a motif of cats inflicting pain on dogs in feline art.
  • Museum custodian on ladder feels self-conscious at patrons' stare.
  • Chicken finds paintings of reptiles are the chicken's taste.
  • Armless Venus de Milo statue in museum is envious of a many-armed Hindu goddess statue.

You searched for: museum