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You searched for: monitor

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  • Family driving in car with GPS tracking is alerted that Onstar has detected misbehaving children.
  • Doctors try life-saving measures when patient's phone ringtone sounds like erratic heart monitor
  • The email battle between manually typing and auto fill is on, starring Manual-Lee versus Otto-Phil.
  • CIA Agents question chattering teeth factory about suspicious chatter.
  • Mother uploads her son's computer drawing to the fridge monitor, instead of using a magnet and paper.
  • Computer forgets to save his date's name.
  • A cat lounging atop a computer worries he may need to diet when he see the new flat screen model.
  • A cat tries to blow-dry a bird's nest out of a snowman.
  • New traffic light signals will be intelligent and change based on the drivers urgency.
  • A nag protection system switches the computer screen to homework when mother walks in.
  • A window pane saves the mesh screen from a cat.
  • A man has a lot of Megs on his computer.

You searched for: monitor