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You searched for: melted

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Annoyed snowman dislikes heated hot yoga gym gift certificate present from snowman.
  • Witch moms having coffee watch witch girls playing floor is water game jump on living room furniture.
  • Annoyed devil dad in hell tells excited demon son for the zillionth time it’s not a snow day.
  • Snowman sees sunny weather forecast on smartphone app and thinks he’ll go down a size tomorrow.
  • Suspicious snowman sees salted foods on computer browser history as wife brings him a snack.
  • Wicked Witch of the West swims in virtual water with VR headset.
  • Dissolving lemon drops in Ted's pocket turn water yellow, making it look like he peed in the pool.
  • Masseuse massaging snowman is horrified his back is melting but Frosty feels loose.
  • Snow woman complains that melting snowman date’s online profile said he was taller and he answers he was that morning.
  • Sad snowman reads newspaper obituaries of snowmen that melted on a beautiful sunny day.
  • Man burns roof of mouth on hot pizza and tiny repair man climbs ladder to fix it.
  • Earth is surprised to see how much ice cap he’s lost in photos on Facebook Memories.

You searched for: melted