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You searched for: machine

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A cat uses a forklift after eating catnip.
  • An unbalanced washing machine runs around as its owner calls plumber for help.
  • A dollar bill sees a psychiatrist because it is rejected by machines.
  • The twelve drumming drummers get downsized.
  • Dogs don't think bowling ball return machines add enough moisturizer.
  • Hockey rinks can now tilt to favor the home team.
  • Santa tabulates his Christmas gift list with machines from the election in Florida.
  • Mr. Peabody and Sherman go back in time so Peabody can avoid getting fixed.
  • A bird's egg falls into a pitching machine and hits a tennis player.
  • A woman gets her boyfriend's machine whenever she calls, so she goes on a date with it.
  • Cats think the power button on the answering machine is marked that because turning it off gives them power.
  • A James Bond villain sets up a ridiculous machine of death.

You searched for: machine